CaptchaAI - Accurate 100% ⚡reCAPTCHA⚡ OCR Services - 7 Day Free Trial

The Accurate "reCAPTCHA" OCR Services
We support reCAPTCHA 100%, Solve Media, and 27,500+ image captchas.

CaptchaAI Emulator


Use this desktop app to emulate the Capatcha solving process.

Refund Policy:

- You can request a refund if you are not satisfied. The refund should be within 7 days from the date of subscription. It's advised to apply for a trial before purchasing.
-There are no refunds in the free trial.

Are CaptchaAI Services Stable?

- Yes, our servers are 99.9% uptime.

Do You Offer Integration Support?

- Yes, we developed CaptchaAI emulator to be easy to connect with our services, however, we can offer more support in integrating using API.

What happens If I Exceed My Captcha Threads Limit?

-The request will be refused.

How can I contact you?
Email: [email protected]

Tickets & Live chat are available also.

How to get your FREE TRIAL ?

1- Register to HERE.

2- Send me your registerd email.
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24 января 2023 в 19:57
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